Research Institute

Our clin­ic has intro­duced an insti­tute ded­i­cat­ed to vas­cu­lar research. Our staff are self fund­ed by our clin­ic to ensure neu­tral research out­comes for all stud­ies we undertake.

Cur­rent­ly we are work­ing on projects for vas­cu­lar devices and outcomes.

Our aim is to pro­vide bet­ter patient out­comes for all vas­cu­lar patient across the state. We are work­ing close­ly with oth­er vas­cu­lar sur­geons across the state to fur­ther the vas­cu­lar spe­cial­ty in West­ern Australia.

If you have a vas­cu­lar top­ic you think would be of inter­est to the research insti­tute please email