Compression Stockings User Information

West­Coast Vas­cu­lar sup­plies com­pres­sion stock­ings and sup­port stock­ings to the pub­lic. West­Coast Vas­cu­lar sup­plies the brand Sig­varis. Sig­varis have been the world leader in research and devel­op­ment for over 5 years internationally.

How to put Compression Stockings on:

At Home

The above video shows how to put on Sig­varis Com­pres­sion stock­ings eas­i­ly and effec­tive­ly. Stock­ings can be dif­fi­cult to put on, please watch the above video on how to put stock­ings on prop­er­ly and eas­i­ly at home. When putting your stock­ings on you should always use gloves to help you and pro­tect your stocking.

Before you start putting your stock­ings on make sure you have your gloves, your leg is clean, and your leg is dry. If the leg is moist the elas­taine will stick to the skin mak­ing the stock­ing hard­er to put on. To dry the leg, leave it to air or dry with a hairdry­er on a cool heat setting.

For Bed ridden patients

The above video shows how to put on com­pres­sion stock­ings for a patient who is bed rid­den or needs help when putting on stockings.

Stocking Aids

There are a num­ber of dif­fer­ent stock­ing aids that can be used to put on and take off stockings.

Doff N’ Don­ner Cone Set

The Doff N’ Don­ner is a very effec­tive sys­tem for putting on and tak­ing off com­pres­sion stock­ings. This is usu­al­ly used by long term com­pres­sion users.

Mag­nide Don­ning Aid

The Mag­nide is a don­ning aid made of para­chute mate­r­i­al and designed to be used for open and closed toe stock­ings. The Mag­nide is small and eas­i­ly com­pact­ed to take anywhere.

Caring for your stockings

When you are using your stock­ings every day make sure you are wash­ing and car­ing for them care­ful­ly. The above video has some tips from Sig­varis on how to best look after your stockings.

West­Coast Vas­cu­lar rec­om­mends that you wash your stock­ings reg­u­lar­ly and dry in the shade. They can be machine washed in a del­i­cates bag on a gen­tle cycle.

You will also need to exfo­li­ate your legs at least twice a week to ensure the skin is clean and dead skin is being removed. This will help with putting your stock­ings on and keep­ing your legs healthy.