Dr Fernando Picazo

Fer­nan­do comes to West­Coast Vas­cu­lar with a wealth of var­ied sur­gi­cal expe­ri­ence from Europe and Aus­tralia. He attained his bach­e­lor Med­ical Degree at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Navarra’s School of Med­i­cine in Spain. He com­plet­ed his sur­gi­cal train­ing at the Vall d’Hebron Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal in Barcelona, where he spe­cialised in Vas­cu­lar and Endovas­cu­lar surgery. After fin­ish­ing his sur­gi­cal train­ing Fer­nan­do was appoint­ed as a Con­sul­tant Vas­cu­lar Sur­geon. As part of his time at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Navar­ra, Fer­nan­do par­tic­i­pat­ed in mul­ti­ple cours­es and meet­ings nation­al­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly to fur­ther his med­ical knowl­edge, this expe­ri­ence was the start­ing point for his inter­est in teach­ing and research.

In 2019 Fer­nan­do attained his Fel­low­ship of the Euro­pean Board of Vas­cu­lar Surgery with Hon­ours. He was award­ed the Gold Medal with his Fel­low­ship, the Gold Medal is giv­en for the high­est scor­ing exam. Fer­nan­do is the first Span­ish Vas­cu­lar Sur­geon in the exam’s his­to­ry to receive the Gold Medal award.

Fer­nan­do received a schol­ar­ship in 2017 from the Span­ish Soci­ety of Vas­cu­lar Surgery to come to Aus­tralia as part of his train­ing. He moved to Aus­tralia where he com­plet­ed three years of clin­i­cal and sur­gi­cal train­ing at Sir Charles Gaird­ner Hos­pi­tal and at Roy­al Perth Hos­pi­tal. It was at Roy­al Perth Hos­pi­tal where he was men­tored by Mr Kishore Sie­u­nar­ine in vas­cu­lar and endovas­cu­lar surgery. Fer­nan­do con­tin­ued his career in vas­cu­lar and endovas­cu­lar surgery in Perth where he was fur­ther trained in high-com­plex­i­ty endovas­cu­lar tech­niques for the treat­ment of arte­r­i­al and venous dis­eases. After falling in love with Aus­tralia, Fer­nan­do and his fam­i­ly decid­ed to stay in Perth per­ma­nent­ly and con­tin­ue his med­ical career in Australia.

In 2021 he won the Anwar and Myrtha Gir­gis SIMG Grant from the Roy­al Aus­tralasian Col­lege of Sur­geons to sit the Aus­tralian fel­low­ship exam. Fer­nan­do is a Fel­low of the Roy­al Aus­tralasian Col­lege of Sur­geons in the spe­cial­i­ty of Vas­cu­lar Surgery after pass­ing his entrance exams.

Dr Fer­nan­do Pica­zo has always had a spe­cial inter­est in teach­ing and research. He has par­tic­i­pat­ed for years in lec­tures for med­ical stu­dents at the Autonomous Uni­ver­si­ty of Barcelona. Cur­rent­ly Fer­nan­do teach­es work­shops on anato­my and sur­gi­cal skills at the Clin­i­cal Train­ing and Eval­u­a­tion Cen­tre (CTEC) of the Uni­ver­si­ty of West­ern Australia’s School of Med­i­cine. Since 2022 he is also an Adjunct Clin­i­cal Senior Lec­tur­er at Curtin University’s School of Medicine.

More­over, he has pub­lished sev­er­al peer reviewed arti­cles on nation­al and inter­na­tion­al jour­nals through­out his career. In 2017 he received the “award for the best orig­i­nal arti­cle of the year pub­lished in Angi­olo­gia” (offi­cial jour­nal of the Span­ish Soci­ety for Vas­cu­lar Surgery).

Dr Picazo’s area of exper­tise includes periph­er­al arte­r­i­al dis­ease, dia­bet­ic foot pathol­o­gy, carotid dis­ease, aor­tic aneurys­mal dis­ease, tho­racic out­let syn­drome and vari­cose veins man­age­ment by min­i­mal­ly inva­sive tech­niques. At West­Coast Vas­cu­lar Fer­nan­do will con­tin­ue to com­bine his clin­i­cal duties with edu­ca­tion and train­ing activ­i­ties as well as research.

Con­sul­ta­tions with Dr Pica­zo are avail­able at Ned­lands, Mid­land or Roy­al Perth Hos­pi­tal. Please con­tact the Hol­ly­wood rooms on (08) 9386 9855 or email reception@westcoastvascular.com.au to make an appointment.